Lock input bar:

Locking the input bar in the chat forces users to make a selection.

Users write their answer in the input bar of the chat window/chat widget, even though they are supposed to make a multiple choice selection or answer a yes/no question for which there is a button/QR selection? 

When should an input lock be set up?
The input lock is particularly useful if the analysis of the conversations shows that users do not select the given options of a yes/no or multiple choice question, but enter them in the input bar. 


For yes/no questions, the AI recognises free text answers such as ‘Yes exactly’ or ‘No’. Free text input following a multiple choice question is not recognised. Not even if the text is identical to an answer option offered.

How is the input block activated?
Just send a message to the moinAI Customer Success Team and the input block will be activated within a few days. 

Where is the input lock not activated?
The input lock is not activated in the confirmation question and in the follow-up question. Here, users can always make a further enquiry in addition to the Yes/No entry. Blocking the function does not make sense against this background.
The input field is also blocked in forms with multiple choice or yes/no options.