moinAi Live-Chat: Benefits and Information

Find out more about the benefits and how the moinAI live chat works.

moinAI live-chat can be activated as an integrated part of the moinAI solution via the moinAI Hub. The moinAI live-chat is managed and used via the hub without the need for a separate integration. 

Further articles on setup, group management  and the AutoTranslate option  can be found via the links provided.

Transferring specific requests from users to the live chat is one of the most user-friendly options for processing the request, because the users are already in the chat medium and receive immediate personal feedback via live chat.

The advantage of live chat lies in the fact that specific issues requiring intensive counselling can be handled by qualified personnel in the same medium. In conjunction with the AI chatbot, automated pre-qualification takes place and only relevant enquiries reach the live chat agents.The previously defined live chat agents operate the live chat. It is possible to process several live chats in parallel. 

If no live chat agents are available, the standard email takeover is offered.

At present, there is no restriction on how many live chats can be edited simultaneously by a live chat agent. In the future, it will be possible to configure the maximum number of live chats that can be edited simultaneously. 

Parallel editing is supported by the fact that the individual live chats are visually different so that it is easy to distinguish between the individual chats. 

The template function (link articles) also supports live chat agents when editing live chats. 
An automatic notification function is integrated, which notifies live chat agents of new live chats and chat messages. 

If it is a new live chat, the agent is shown the original form that was used to trigger the live chat. The form entries of the user are transferred to the live chat agent with a quick copy function so that these entries can be referenced in the live chat. 

The agent has insight into the entire chat history. 

Live chat agents can end live chats at any time. As soon as the live chat agent leaves the live chat, the AI chatbot takes over the conversation again. 

Live chat agents can see how many live chats have been processed and completed. 


In addition to simple text input, file uploads are also possible. The following file formats can be uploaded in the live chat:


The maximum file size must not exceed 10 MB.