Multiple Choice Insights

Gain deeper insights into user behaviour in multiple choice situations

Based on user insights, knowledge about users can be analysed and the content of the AI chatbot can be continuously developed.

Which answer option is selected in a multiple choice or yes/no strand by users and how often? And how often do users break off the conversation at the point of selection? These insights can be easily accessed and used within the AI chatbot.

User Insights: Find Conversational Analysis

Under Intents, the editing mode of the answer to be analyzed can be opened by clicking on the pencil. Here, a button can be clicked next to the yes-no or multiple choice answer to be analyzed on the right edge of the screen. The desired insights appear in a bar chart.

Conversational analysis is only available above a certain sample size


Interpretation of the diagram

The distribution of the selection of Quick Replies by users is shown here in a bar chart. If the conversation continues without a selection, i.e. the user writes free text on another topic, this counts as "Other". If the conversation is left without a selection, this counts as a "dropout".

The AI chatbot can also provide other exciting insights and statistics, such as:

  • Which topics are particularly popular among users (top topics)?
  • What topics are there that are perhaps not yet covered (AI suggestions)?
  • Where there is still room for improvement in the answers (ratings